Online casino session – A lot of expensive bonuses!

Online casino session – A lot of expensive bonuses!

Another online i from me today. I was hoping to get back out to the bookies, but non been able to get out lately, plus want to be clear of Omicron for Christmas so non really in a rush right at nowadays!

I have a couple of my older videos I have finally got circular to uploading, these games were actually played a few weeks back before autoplay got taken off the slots. I will stick the last few of these vids out then have a think about making some new ones. Hoping things will be a bit to a greater extent than normal in the new year and I’ll be able to get back to the mix of bookies / pubs / online etc that I like to do.

This video follows the last i where I’d done alright and made a decent turn a profit. Getting this lot together was hard work though, I had some really expensive bonuses along the way and I think I’m in all probability on for a bit of a battering. Never know though, just demand i to really go off and I could be ok!

Happy Christmas to everyone, hope you are all safe and well out there.

Here’s how I got on today…

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